MovieChat Forums > The Tick (2016) Discussion > Please support this show

Please support this show

I only say this because its got quality production people associated - ben edlund, warturburon, barry sonnfield of men in black and addams family fame,

also because we havent had anyone with the balls to bring the tick back since the 03 sitcom....

because this one can benefit greatly with cheap cgi - even if the show looks like it was shot on *beep* it would be a blessing, since shlocky films are popular right now.

also because the tick actor is as spot on as its gonna get

also because this is a spoof and realistic superheroes are the norm these days.

and for godssakes its the goddam TICK!

give the show props, man!


the imdb boards are pretty empty

still the hope must never die

I am the forefunkel of jiggerjab.


and for godssakes its the goddam TICK!

I disagree. This was not the Tick. This was not what made the Tick popular for a quarter century. This was something very different.

If you changed the names of the characters and handed the script to a long time Tick fan, how long would they have to read it before they realized it was supposed to be a Tick vehicle? And only then because the hero started quoting old famous Tick lines.

If they are trying to lampoon the current trend of making superhero shows/movies darker and grittier, that's not going to be enough to carry a season That's too much sacrifice of quality fun jokes for a cynical one.


I disagree. This was not the Tick. This was not what made the Tick popular for a quarter century. This was something very different.

Your opinion. I was a fan of both the animated series and Warburton effort, and this felt like The Tick to me. This actually was closer to The Tick than the FOX show, which was basically The Tick squeezed into the Seinfeld format.

IMDB, flagging ppl for bull💩 since 1995. 
