Jenna Fischer

So, she's in it or not?? According to the trivia, she was let go during the filming of the pilot for lack of chemistry, and she was recast. That is her in the trailer though. So.... Will she be the mom in the pilot and then changed?? I haven't seen anything about this show or the ppl in it. I just saw that in the trivia section, but that is her in the trailer..... So, I was confused. Does anyone know anything about it???


She is gone


Seriously? Aww, too bad, I miss her.

Sent from my computer, using my keyboard.


Wait until next week. If Jenna is the mom, she's back. If not, we'll get the "Trivia" deleted.
Frankly, after watching the 4 minute trailer with her in it, I'm hoping she's the mom. I liked her better than this Liza Snyder that was on the first episode.


> Frankly, after watching the 4 minute trailer with her in it, I'm hoping she's the mom. I liked her better than this Liza Snyder that was on the first episode.

Man, I'm glad someone said it. If Jenna was fired for supposedly not having 'chemistry', shouldn't the replacement, logically, have chemistry? One would think so, but none was evident.

Let's double down on the premise of the show. Man With A Plan cause the Mom is out of the picture. Divorced, dead, at work all the time, I don't care, just get rid of her.


I have to agree. Liza Snyder does nothing for me. Maybe I'll warm up to her eventually.


Yes his plan should be murder.
Then they can bring back Criminal Intent...


Matt LeBlanc was personal friends with Liza, and fought for her, so I think she's here to stay. I like her, although I probably would have liked Jenna too.


> Matt LeBlanc was personal friends with Liza, and fought for her, so I think she's here to stay.

I'm not. Season Pass deleted.
