MovieChat Forums > Man with a Plan (2016) Discussion > Most Unattractive Cast in TV History?

Most Unattractive Cast in TV History?

I watched maybe half of an episode and that was enough for me. If your show isn't going to be funny, at least have some attractive actors to look at.
I do give them points for not going the "eye-candy" route like most shows do. But then you better be damn funny...which its not.
Matt Leblanc and Kevin Nealon as brothers? Really? I really wish that when shows cast actors to play siblings they would take into consideration, at least a little bit, that siblings usually share some features. Kevin is like a foot taller than matt! and pretty sure kevin isnt italian either (which matt obviously is)


Siblings are not always the same height. My dad is 5'9 and his brothers are over 6 feet. Same with my husband, he's the runt of the family at 5'7 and his brothers/dad are 6 feet.


Matt LeBlanc isn't really Italian either though, his mother is of Italian ancestry but his father is French-Canadian, LeBlanc himself however is an American. I think you might be thinking of Joey?


He is still Italian because of his mom side. No one is truly "American."


I agree with you about Kevin Nealon being miscast as LeBlanc's brother, they look nothing at all alike. But, I have to point out, LeBlanc's nationality is part French.


If your mother or your father is even part Italian, that makes you Italian too. I also think he looks Italian, which is why I used that part of his ancestry.


So you put your phone down long enough to watch half an episode did ya? Well at least you gave it a fair chance.


My sister and I are only 12 1/2 months apart and she is 7 inches taller than me. While I agree they don't look anything alike many times siblings don't.


At least it's not 2 and a Half Men bad at unbelievable brothers.


What world do you morons live in where women spit out identical twins years apart? Goddamn is there no limit to the depths of stupidity on IMDB?


Usually the wife in these generic "dumb husband/nagging wife" sitcoms is attractive. Not so much, this time around.
