Feminism Fail

I understand that there has been a huge push to include feminist propaganda in all of the recent tv shows and movies, but this show did that in the worst possible way. They made the female characters so mean and spiteful that it's unbearable to watch. I love the sci-fi aspect and the plot twists, but even that stuff is pretty lacking. They could have done a lot more with this show. Unfortunately, like so many other commenters have said, this show is full of unnecessary and very terribly written drama. The women in this show can do no wrong, even to the point that it becomes hypocritical, and they get away with doing the same things that some of the male characters are demonized for doing. They tried to make the men into bad guys every chance they got, except for the handsome and successful fiancé, of course. Gordo, the male best friend, gets treated like dirt, and they make him into a childish slob that apparently doesn't mind being treated that way. The mom has the most outrageous and unreasonable reactions to the dad's choices, especially when he comes back and tries to make things right. She treats him like crap, and during those scenes the soundtrack turns to soft music as if they're trying to show that she's the good one trying to appeal emotionally to the dad and that in that moment he needs to be empathetic enough to just accept everything that she says because she's right. The problem is that her arguments are so irrational and based on negative judgments. All of the women in the show are portrayed as supposedly strong people and as victims while all of the men are either cheaters, abusers, power hungry, violent, dishonest, or just stupid. If the writers did a better job with the characters and left out the ridiculous relationship drama and failed attempts at sending a feminist message I would probably continue watching, but that's unlikely.


If they weren't mean, liberal and spiteful, they would not be feminists.


I guess you could say then that it could be considered a win for them, although feminism altogether is a huge fail.


C'mon dude, there where good and bad male and females in the this show. There was the mother that covered for her murdering son, the child victim that lied about her being adducted again by the nightingale for attention. Frank more or less abandoned his wife and little girl to for his work, and Julie eventfully forgave him, and helped him out in big ways, including insisting he not MURDER a nut job who beat his family and was guilty of 2nd degree murder (who turned out not the serial killer). You know overt or subtle sexists like you are the reason feminists exist in the first place, and are still needed (although the hardline ones could be more reasonable). Oh and I'm a guy by the way.


Thankful for MEN like you!



The cry of feminism is starting to get old. And the sad thing is, it's the men who are making it that way.

Sheesh, OP, grow up.


Well, I don't know that a woman helping to protect a murder makes her a positive female presence. Her son or not, it makes her human garbage.

And although the father was a dick for cheating on his wife, to say he abandoned her for his job is ridiculous.
He was doing his job (period) If he wasn't, she'd be homeless and starving to death.
Your husband sitting around not working, THATS abandoning your family.

And the wife bitching about "Hey, let's not keep score" when confronted about her actions with another man, then went out to make things even.
Who's keeping score?


feminist propaganda. jfc that sounds pathetic. you are literally saying propaganda for equal rights for women. calm down dude.


You need to pay a little closer attention to what's going on in the feminist world.


Feminism is not about equal right for woman anymore.Its about being superior to man,and to hate him.

Feminism stop being what it should be,couple decades ago.

If you look at world's 'famous' feminists,they all trash talk and hate man,while expecting man to be their servant.That's why they getting so much hate,and that's why people hate them,and that's why they never going to have what they ask for.

Youth today have no single clue what feminism is.Them self proclaimed feminists want to be respected by a man,but same those females hump everything moving on 2,in the club once they get drunk and humiliate themselves all day long.

They want to be respected,and they call themselves feminists,but same those females show off tits all over youtube,twitch,twitter and fb,in order to get subs,likes and donations.

You cant act like who*e and demand someone to respect you,because its never going to happen.

If you want someone to respect you,first of all you need to respect yourself.


What's really funny about your statement is that (I presume) you're a man telling women what feminism "should be."

Don't get me wrong. As a woman, I'm offended by some so called feminists and the direction some feminist movements have gone. It should not be about being "better" than men or wanting to be men or hating men. It's not even about the ERA, which I think is stupid. It should be about fair and equal treatment. It should be about women not beating each other up (so to speak) when one woman makes a choice that's different from another. It should be about law enforcement and laws not regressing to a time when domestic violence was "just a family matter" and rape "must have been the woman's fault."

It's pretty amusing for you to decide what feminism should or should not be. I'll decide for myself what I believe feminism works for me. I might even ask my husband's input and ask for his opinion. But I sure as heck don't give a fig about yours.


How is this series feminist? It's a series that has two main stars, one male, one female. They are both portrayed as human beings with a mix of virtues and flaws. The wife's husband left her for two years and cheated on her, but you see her as being unreasonable? Gordo is a nice guy who is treated as a good friend; I'm guessing you hate non-sexual friendships between men and women. He's also portrayed as a really good guy, which undercuts your complaint.

What makes me sad is not that a clearly bitter guy who probably doesn't do well with women goes on a diatribe about women in a TV series. What makes me sad is several other guys jumped into agree with you. It's as though there is a whole chunk of angry men just looking for a chance to whine about how unfair the world is to men.


What makes me sad is how clueless you are. Keep taking that blue pill!



No,you're clueless--you need to quit taking those blue pills of yours!


To the OP:
Honestly, none of the things you said about the show (which I only got to see about twice or so) have anything to do with feminism, and more to do with making sure a show has more than enough interesting drama to watch. That's the kind of drama MOST TV shows have, nothing unusual or having anything to do with making men look weak or anything like that. Obviously, you're just another man who clearly has NO clue as to what feminism is---which is simply the belief that women should have the same rights as men---it ain't that damn complicated. And I'm tired of dudes like you whining about strong female characters on shows--if you don't like seeing that,you definitely got too many issues with women. I think you're just projecting own issues with women onto this show (which was just canceled,btw,for anyone who cares to know.) Get over yourself while you're at it.
