MovieChat Forums > The Great Indoors (2016) Discussion > Put a Fork in It. Cancelled.

Put a Fork in It. Cancelled.

Are you serious? No one wants to watch how pathetic all the snowflakes are. They are so pathetic that they don't even want to watch it. I got a full season out of one episode to get the gist. Snowflakes wont watch it, adults won't watch it. It's a joke.


I thought it was hilarious. And I like the Millennial generation. They are savvy, smart and like it or not, will be future leaders some day. Loved Joel McHale.


For starters, I need to lighten up. The show, with all its annoyances is actually growing on me lol. It's not that bad and kind of funny. The fact they actually mock themselves (as the snowflake millennial kids) and it's glaringly ridiculous is the genius that made The Big Bang Theory so popular. Looking forward to more!


A truly terrifying comment. It would cause me more concern if weren't such an obvious shill comment.


I really liked it. I think it has potential and I hope they give it a chance to find its footing. The bartender could be all kinds of hilarious.


Like I responded to the other person above, I'll admit when I'm wrong and the self mocking and ridiculousness of the pacified millennials on the show is actually its shtick (like Big Bang did with nerds and geeks). Looking forward to more!


I gave up during episode 3. I feel bad for Christopher Mintz-Plasse. He's trying hard to spin gold out of a turd.


Lol, you mean "The Soup" inspired witty banter and zingers of Joel McHale can't save this? :)


I am taking a wait and see approach with the show


If you want to feel bad for someone it should be Stephen Fry. He was in V for Vendetta ffs 


Tonight's ep was really cute. It reminded me of the first time I took a troop of Girl Scouts camping and the mother of one of the girls put her tent up IN a lodge nearby because she was so scared of bugs.


Tonight's ep was really cute. It reminded me of the first time I took a troop of Girl Scouts camping and the mother of one of the girls put her tent up IN a lodge nearby because she was so scared of bugs.

I agree! I liked it a lot too.


Picked up for a full season. You loose OP.
