MovieChat Forums > The Great Indoors (2016) Discussion > Who do you believe likes this show MORE....

Who do you believe likes this show MORE...


"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire."


Baby boomers laughing at both of them.


It's got to be aimed at Boomers.


I'm a boomer, and if they were aiming at me, they were off by a long shot. The show is beyond unintelligent.


Do you work with younger people? Some of these jokes really hit home.


Based on the network and type of shows they've had in the past (2 and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory, 2 Broke Girls, etc.) it is most likely aimed at boomers. 3-camera sitcoms with laugh tracks are not popular anymore and that style is only done for nostalgia reasons for the boomers because all comedy used to be like that.

It's also broad, easy, slow humor with pauses for laughs so the older people can keep up--often other comedies are more rapid-fire and you have to really be paying attention, CBS sitcoms are made so that you can watch it while you're doing chores or some task.

I think they were also trying to bring in millenials and gen X by having it about them (same with BBT and 2BG) but the fact that they focus so much on the generation gap makes it actually harder to watch instead of easier.

Every generation makes fun of the younger generations that come after them. Millenials are starting to resent tweens and teens and for growing up with ipads and social media. There is "making fun of yourself" but this show doesn't feel like it was written by millenials or particularly knowledgeable gen x'ers, it feels like it was written by baby boomers about what they think millenials and gen x'ers are like.

But TL;DR between the two it would be gen x because millenials don't like sitcoms or being inaccurately portrayed by what old people think.


As someone born right between the generations on this show (1975) who works in tech, I find it one of the truest things on television… and pretty funny when I can ignore the laugh track and the over-smug deliveries. As it is, I feel I'm white-knuckling through agony in most episodes for jokes that make the experience worthwhile. I can identify multiple RL examples of each character over my career.

In particular, @emma nearly had me crying with laughter. Way over the top, but probably less so than I imagine.

That said, I've got a lot of the more recent episodes on PVR waiting.
