MovieChat Forums > Barry (2016) Discussion > Stop Bashing Obama (Read First, act late...

Stop Bashing Obama (Read First, act later)

To all "Alt Right" "Liberals" and else, stop going against Obama or to be exact against whatever president (at least until Now,trump included). It's not the presidents "faults" its the system including the fake Republican vs Democrats rhetoric, it doesnt matter if you believe in so called conspiracy's because fact is if you look on all wars that it is always and has always been about profit in some form (recourses and whatever. Im lookin at you oil which is used for nearly everything or lithium which is used for batterys in your god damned iPhone IRX9 Galaxy... also Water, check out nestle etc). Look at the deep state, like for example Neo Con War Hawks like Billy Kristol, Robert Kagan, who not only supported the clinton administration (both), also the Bush administration, Obama administration, and now which is shocking your false new prophet and saviour Trump. Yes trump too has now support from those War Hawks who want the cold war back and actualy many times suggested to make a hot one out of it (check out "a very heavy agenda"). It doesnt matter who you vote for in the end its always going to be red or blue, left or right, if it doesnt work then the votes are gettin rigged (like Bush jr back then, or Bernie Sanders at the dnc) and in the worst case when for some reason the candidate passes all those systems (which is now near impossible since after kennedy fraud systems like the super delegate vote got infused) the potus will take a ride to Dallad in a convertible and you all know what this means. If you really want some change go on the streets and marche as the people fid in the 60s and vote with your purse by not buying another smartphone or buying a third car which wastes more oil which means that in the future the us will again find weapons of mass destruction, which in the end everyone will forget about because of some more fake excuse of some Paper tiger enemy which aint called isis because they where diminished but are called now "Team Rocket", "The Rebels", "Slitherin", "Cybertrons" or ehatever the hell the next Terrorist flavour of the month is called. Because every war causes a reaction, and the middle east mainly due to its resources is being demonized and bombarded since the 60s




Obama sucks and good riddance to him & his pig family on Jan 20th
