Barry Soetoro

I've been told countless times by liberals that the "Barry Soetoro" name and story was BS and that that's a made up name that he never haf, so why on earth would the libs make a movie called Barry if it wasn't true...


How his name is an issue at all is the real question. When I used to see conservatives use the name Barry when referring to Obama, I wondered if it was supposed to be an insult.


It's his name, how is it an insult?

Although I''m sure bootlicks such as yourself refer to him as His Excellency. As his hometown of Chicago lights up a couple dozen bruthuhs every weekend, with no mention of it in the mainstream media. Because the MSM treat shim like a messiah.


With reading comprehension you would know that I don't find it to be an insult! It's odd that it's usually people who really dislike him that refer to him as Barry. Why? And yes, you hate him, therefor I must revere him like a king or a saint. Because in your absolutist world, everything exists in extremes.


I actually prefer pResident Obama


But his real title is: Hussein the Sh*tstain, Muslim-in-Chief, self-appointed Messiah, Head Race-Baiter of the Black Panthers, and Affirmative Action Parasite.


It's not an insult, but conservatives frequently use it to imply that Obama is a fraud. It's this idea of "he went by a different name. I told you he lies and he's a secret Muslim." It was part of the birther movement. Conservative news feeds would bring up the fact that he went by Barry in an attempt to push that he is a phony. This was part of backing up the conspiracy theory that he was a secret Muslim terrorist born in Kenya.


You're an idiot, and that's plain and simple.

No "evil Liberals" care of this non-issue.


I second this comment.


I've never personally known liberals to question that he used a moniker. I've known plenty of Republicans who use the name as some kind of insult. My uncle played basketball with him, and his nickname according to my uncle was "Barry the Gun." He absolutely used a moniker. I don't understand why conservatives are so obsessed with this. It's not a big deal. Gerald Ford's real name was Leslie Lynch King, Jr. Does it really matter?
