MovieChat Forums > Barry (2016) Discussion > 91% of bashing will be unfounded wingnut...

91% of bashing will be unfounded wingnut BS

If you were to say "Everything that RWNJs told us about Obama is completely made up nonsense - everything," you'd be very, VERY close to having hit the nail directly on the head.

Watch the boards to see me proven right.

That said...what's with the ring? (I'm just getting started and I assume it'll be explained, but I haven't gotten there yet.)

"What else do you like? Lazy? Ugly? Horny? I got 'em all."
"You don't look lazy."



Happy senior your comment is worthless idiocy posing as intelligent snark. Jack*ss


91% of this movie is unfounded wingnut BS

Fixed it for you.


I'm perplexed at your claim of having "fixed" my comment with a comment that makes no sense at all.

First, there's very little of Barack Obama's politics in this movie. (Which, sucked, by the way. I've got a post on here detailing why.)

Second, there certainly isn't any unfounded wingnut BS in the movie. His birth certificate isn't mentioned once. No-one he encounters claims he wasn't born in Hawaii. No-one accuses him of actively trying to destroy the country. No mention of the phony "apology tour" lie.


So...your comment doesn't make any sense.

"What else do you like? Lazy? Ugly? Horny? I got 'em all."
"You don't look lazy."


"91% of bashing will be unfounded wingnut BS."

TRUTH. I have yet to find as little as a coherent sentence in the bunch.
