Weird dad. Lazy writing.

Ok, i like a campy, and sometimes even low budget movie. Im so not one of these people that demands movies mirror real life. HOWEVER, i hate when silly crap happens to hurry and finish the movie i.e. lazy writing.

Now with that said my issue is towards the end when Rachal gets kidnapped. The mom and dad are in the living room when she yells to call 911, rachal is being kidnapped, and runs out the door. WHY wouldnt the husband have gotten in the car with her? She had her cellphone, and he probably had his too. So why would he let her run off alone to rescue their daughter?

The dad was acting shifty during a couple of parts in the movie that i saw. Like when he seemed to be sneaking out of the hospital when Rachal was there. In fact, he snuck out while she was sleeping and apparently never came back. The next morning when she talked her mom into going to work he wasn't shown at all. Then he pops up like a thief in the night as the mom walks to her car after being fired.

Overall this entire movie was weird. From the off acting, to things just seeming off when characters were interacting.
And yes, i KNOW its a Lifetime movie, but i generally enjoy Lifetime movies. This was another level of weird. Not bad, but weird.


The end of the movie showed there were unresolved conflicts...wonder if maybe Ryan and her dad were planning something together, either for Ryan, or him (sicker storyline). Or the shifty behavior might just mirror how he's always acted...distant.
