George Lopez

I can barely recognize him the previews, why does he look so different?


I thought it was Ricardo Chavira (Carlos from Desperate Housewives)...Maybe
the facial hair; but also, his skin looks weird.


it's called AGE people ???


Did George Lopez had nose surgery for his show ? Or is it just fake ?


Noses and ears are two things that continue to grow throughout life. It is more obvious in men, as their skin is generally thicker than that of women. This can be noticed readily in the nostrils and texture of the facial skin. The texture issue could be easily remedied by a light to medium chemical facial peel. The down time for that kind of peel is on average only about 3-5 days (7-10 days at the most), depending on the strength of the peel. Fair skinned people used to take to and heal faster to chemical peels, but new laser based peels and fillers work on all skin types. Instead of that horrible facial hair, he should invest in a skin care regime.


Looks like a facelift. He looked way off


Facelift? His face looks like the grand Canyon or a tractor tire. I've never understood the appeal. I like "the Fluffy One" better.


Lopez looks like he spent about a year doing METH, and he gained about 30 pounds when he kicked drugs.

So he has a horrible dried prune face with a big fat nose, and a big fat head.


LOL at this whole thread! I totally agree... I specifically came onto this board, knowing there MUST be a comment about it (well, and to vote). Beforehand, I Googled "George Lopez looks different" and saw a blog post from several years ago titled "What the hell happened to George Lopez' face?" LMAO! But seriously, I don't remember it looking like this before now.

Turns out, it is his real nose, which grows with age. I theorize that liquor made his skin the way it is. His kidney issues may have also taken a toll.
Verdict: Aging. Apparently in his book he writes about how aging sucks.
