MovieChat Forums > Lopez (2016) Discussion > Cholo con cara de Culo

Cholo con cara de Culo

Lopez is one ugly munkey.


He looks soooooo much better without the facial hair. That goatee makes him look like terrible, and instead of hiding his bad skin, it actually accentuates it. I don't know what stylist told him to grow that thing, but I didn't even recognize him with that face muff until he started talking. Perhaps if he had it neatly trimmed it wouldn't look like he was in Witness Protection as a Scottish Terrior (to clarify, that is a purebred dog that's normal hairstyle consists of what can only be described as a "To Catch A Predator" type of long unruly hair around its mouth, for those who don't know - Google pictures).

I saw George in person, about 2 years ago, and he was clean shaven for the event. He looked about a decade younger than he does on his current sitcom "Lopez" (2016) - like a slightly older version of himself during the last season of his earlier sitcom, "George Lopez" (2002-2007). While I was talking to him (standing only about 3 feet away), his slightly pockmarked face was visible, but I was drawn to his expressive eyes and his words, not his skin.

I was so shocked when I saw him with this whole "mouth muff" on "Lopez", because it draws you (well at least me and several friends and family) to look at his mouth and cheeks - his problem area. If he got rid of the facial hair and got a simple chemical peel to even out his skin, he would look so much better. Less sketchy, but perhaps that is the "look" that he is going for on this show.


he has gigantic fat alcoholic nose, which hits most drunks when they are 50+, and that cannot go away unless they slice it up drastically, and turn him into a member of the Jackson Five.


De baboon?
