Depp's voice sounds nothing like Trump. Awful performance.

Depp is hopeless at doing Trump's voice. Hopeless.


Let me guess, you are a Trump supporter?

Depp was spot on. Amazing performance. Your mother is hopeless.


Judging by this persons comment history ,I wouldn't be surprised if they were a member of Trumps family .

Lucca Brasi sleeps with the fishes!!!


So when someone dislikes Depp's performance, he's automatically a Trump supporter?

The performance wasn't good. Depp didn't nail Trump's mannerisms, his voice, nothing.

The only thing that was solid was the make-up.

Laura:You left a dead prostitute buried alone in the desert?
Kyle:She's not alone.


its a little better than Tom Hiddleston's Robert De Niro impersonation but that aint saying much haha

Uh....oh,oh, it's the pancakes! You don't like pancakes, I will get you somethin else!


Look what Depp had to become Donald Trump. The real Trump can't do Trump anymore... you see his face lately?


Art imitating life. Lol. Johnny didn't have e much to work with.


I agree, Depp sounded way too sexy for Trump, who in contrast sounds like a whining woman in her 70's.


These are for you McNulty



And the other actors nailed their roles? REALLY? You think Henry Winkler nailed Koch and Patton Oswalt was a spot on Merv Griffin?

What a lame thing to whine about. This wasn't intended to be a documentary nor were any of the actors exactly like the real life people they were portraying.
