Lorelai did a Liz

The pouffy hair, bloated jaw, dark eye-liner...it is like Lorelai turned into Elizabeth Taylor.

I am all for women doing their own thang but it was just so damn distracting that Lorelai didn't look like herself.

Other random thoughts....

Zack didn't age well but Michel and Christopher hadn't aged a day. (Or Gil!)
Yay for seeing Jason
Babette: 'clam jam' - oh my - hilarious.
Miss Patty: NO input in town musical? Wtf?
Did Melissa McCarthy have a cold?
Sorry JP fans - Dean didn't grow into himself. Jess and Logan did. Rawr.
Young Luke looked like Sylvester Stallone's hot brother. Old Luke looks like a Baldwin.
All hail Paris, Emily and Mrs Kim!


YET...when I saw a preview/interview for 'Middle School' LG looked like herself again.


How did Dean not grow into himself? He only had one scene and he was happy with his life.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


Heh - oh, he def did emotionally, I just meant looks-wise. Not that he isn't handsome now, but he was a better looking youngster.


I disagree. Dean looks way better now.


Jess looked good... better than before due to his more buff build as an adult (I was never attracted to him though) but I've never liked the way Logan looked. I've never thought him good looking. In the revival, he kinda had a puffy Botox (or an intense facial peel) look in some scenes (imo).
