MovieChat Forums > Riverdale (2017) Discussion > Archie and his 'old jalopy'

Archie and his 'old jalopy'

Will Archie still drive "an old jalopy" like in the comic books, or will he drive a Tesla? Why isn't Reggie in any of the promotional material, he is the direct competition of Archie, especially when it comes to Betty and Veronica, and basically everything? So many things seem off/wrong, even with making the show a drama.

Since they have "Josie and The Pussycats", will they include "Sabrina The Teenage Witch"? They were both included in the Archie comic books, and then both got their own spin off comic books. What is off limits with this show?

The commercials and the show's trailer gave me no idea that this was based (however loosely) on the comic books that I enjoyed reading as a child. I couldn't wait for the Archie Double Digest to come out every year (it seemed, I don't know how often the Double Digest was released).


I seriously doubt we'll be seeing Old Betsy... lol


The 'villain' of the show appears to be Cheryl Blossom. Reggie Mantle hasn't been mentioned much, and if IMDb is to be believed, he's in less episodes than the main cast so he's perhaps more of a supporting character?

Sabrina has been confirmed to appear in the season one finale, as a 'cult escapee.' Since it looks like "Riverdale" won't be including overt supernatural content, I suspect that the cult angle is a way to reference Sabrina's traditional role as a witch without giving her actual magical powers.

- Another textbook sociopath -
