
Jill and Derek keep talking about how things where they are are not like thing in America. They ARE in America...Central America. Things in Central America are not like in the UNITED STATES. I hope whatever these two are teaching the people they reach out too are being taught by other people too. Otherwise....


Their family gave them the present of air conditioning. A luxury where they live I'm sure. They also have electricity and the money to run said a/c unit. I get that it makes them feel safer to keep the doors locked...keeps out the bugs too. Still most people in those regions are working hard just to put food on their tables and may view them living with such niceties with contempt. I think it would draw more attention to them, to be robbed or kidnapped. Glad she had a monitor to see who would knock before opening the door but what does she have for her personal security? You know these aren't the kind of people who'd be comfortable with guns in the house. A baseball bat?


Jill is a poor excuse for a missionary. When they talk about "being in the field" I expected to see her elbow deep in women delivering babies as a midwife while her husband talked about Jesus.

NOT staying locked up in an airconditioned home playing housewife.
