Very Improved Show

I must admit. I didn't care for the show at first. I thought it tried way too hard to be strange. They have wisely dialed back the youngest daughter and the son. They were too much of a caricature. I also like the mother a lot more. I used to think she bitched too much, but now I see her points more and more. The show is just funnier. I actually look forward to it after almost dropping it from my schedule. The friends are still hit and miss though. I think the father has been better used as well.


I agree. The pilot had some head-shaking misfires, like introducing the characters of Anna-Kat and Greg to the audience when they were going to the toilet. 'Friends' at least let us get to know the cast for several seasons before we were treated to Chandler's memorable cure for Monica's jellyfish sting. (And we didn't have to see it!)


I love this show. Simple.


Serialized dramas need to open big and keep pace. Sitcoms have and need more time. I can't think of any sitcom that opened perfect and didn't improve. It can't take years but that first season or two are when they find what works and what needs tinkering. So it's no surprise a show comes into its own a bit as they get experience.


I am just glad I hung with it because the first few eps were lacking. Another good development is the show not focusing on the mother's weight every ep. That would have been annoying.


I have loved it since the beginning and could not understand why so many on here were so against it.
