Is it just me

Or does anyone else find Grace annoying? As obvious as it it, I almost want her to be the killer so she can be put away forever.


Nope, it's not just you. I fin her entitled, hard headed and dumb. She's actively doing things, things she was told not to do, that are making her hateable and guilty.


I'm with you. So far, I find her extremely annoying and shallow.


I feel the exact same way. I would love it if Grace were the killer, actually.


She is annoying for all the stated reasons and the actress continuously falls out of her 'American' accent. It makes the story confusing and they should have used someone who has mastered the accent.


Why couldn't they hire an American actress to play the part?


She doesn't bother me. She acts the way she acts because I personally think she's innocent. And because she's innocent, she doesn't understand that gravity of her situation. That she could possibly be convicted of a crime she didn't commit, whether it be in court or public opinion. She's clearly not a well rounded person. She's into drugs, partying, and sleeping with teachers. So I'm not sure how she should be. She clearly grew up with a wealthy stepdad, I'm sure she does have a sense of entitlement. It fits with her character. I'm curious if the recent tabloid "American Pycho" pic will be eye opening for her. She seemed shocked and upset. Maybe she'll realize she needs to listen to her lawyer



Grace is not my favorite character at the moment but I also agree with the above statement.



I have to disagree. An innocent person would heed the advice of both her experienced lawyer sister and the super lawyer her step-dad hired for her. Running around doing stupid things when she was specifically told not to screams more of "I am untouchable" rather than innocent, and people who think they are untouchable will and can do anything especially murder. It would be too neat if it was actually Grace who did it, but I concur with everyone above she is an annoying spoiled little cow, that needs a wake up call.


It is not just you I find her beyond annoying. Ithink if she is the star the show is doomed to fail.


She is very annoying. However, I don't think she needs to be likeable. The actress does a great job portraying a spoiled, entitled little sociopath. She has no allegiance toward anyone but herself.


I was almost feeling bad for Grace tonight but then she swore she didn't fight with Molly and I believed her even with the stupid excuse about the belly button. But she lost me completely the way she was carelessly talking about it with the boyfriend it just made her even more unlikable. She has the makings of a socipath.

The sister annoyed me digging into peoples past. I like the prosecutor i hope she locks Grace away for a long time

Patrick is my fave on the show he's only one I feel bad for


She's irritating and the actress has this constant 'furrowed brow' thing that just annoys me. She's a stupid spoiled cow determined to do the opposite of everything more knowing people tell her.

And half the time she's squeeing more over a damn purse and hypocritically lying about whining people lying and whining about 'haters' than thinking.



I doubt her looking like a furrowed brow guppie all the time is the intended idea.



Guys chill.. the actress for Gracie is delivering on her part as expected. If you already don't know, the series is LOOSELY based on the Amanda Knox story and Gracie is acting exactly how she acted when the whole case blew up.

If you have read deeply into the actual story (not just what the media mentioned) but reports from eye witnesses, locals, other media who did not have a personal interest or bias.. you would see reports of Amanda's character that is matched by what Gracie is doing in the series.

So if Gracie is annoying, it is INTENDED.
