MovieChat Forums > Guilt (2016) Discussion > Is there any possibility of a second sea...

Is there any possibility of a second season?

I like the show but the pace is too slow and it does get boring sometimes. The ratings on the other hand are horrendous. Will it be cancelled or renewed for second season?


I was just wondering myself if it's a show that could possibly be renewed for a second season - I personally don't think the pace is slow, but admittedly, it does probably take me longer to get up to speed where new shows are concerned. That usually works out once I get familiar with the characters and who is who, especially the characters that don't get as much screen time.


It doesn't look good. It's the network's lowest rated show and the production cost are probably high considering they tape in London. I think they might figure that the investment is not worth the return and cancel it. I agree about the pacing of the show.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


@bl: Good question. And it's hard to say. But if you are saying that the ratings are horrendous, then I think you might have your answer. We will have to wait and see.

And I almost feel that this show should have been a mini series as opposed to just a regular show.


I doubt there's going to be a season 2.
I don't see the story lasting another season, either. So unless this is an anthology series, there definitely won't be a second season.


I really doubt it. The mystery of who killed Molly is pretty much exposed. I hope they don't spend another entire season trying to get a conviction. The Killing spent way too long on one crime. Shows like this should be an anthology with a new crime/characters each season.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
