MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > They shouldnt have added that bird scene

They shouldnt have added that bird scene

It was kinda cheesy


No it wasn't but whatever




I actually liked it.


I found it a little creepy. I thought it was going to make it inside.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


I agree that they shouldn't have had it, but only because it reminded me more of the sort of thing you'd see in one of the The Omen films or an "end of days" type movie. It didn't feel appropriate for The Exorcist, imho.


I agree. It was overdone.


If you saw the promos you knew it was coming anyway.

Otherwise, I liked the pilot.


It was stupid and then later on there is no mention of it.

And neither of the A-holes even tried to save the bird. He is more concerned about his book of fairy tales and myths.

Damn I'm good.


The fact that there was no further mention of it was what bothered me, too. If you fast-forward through the commercials to the next scene, it just cuts from the bird dying in the broken window, to the priest showing up for dinner at the family's house...the continuity of the story seems poorly linked for such a recent traumatic event to be so quickly forgotten and unremarked upon.

"Anything you say, Lloyd...anything you say!"


...later on there is no mention of it.


Perhaps certain things trigger birds (or other creatures) to go berserk.

Maybe it will be brought up in another episode. Or...maybe the writers will drop the ball and never mention it again. (probably the latter).

And neither of the A-holes even tried to save the bird.

I like animals, but I would be apprehensive of getting close to a hurt (possibly crazed) creature, that's in distress.

My 2 cents.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


It was too much like the Omen. If they wanted a random weird thing they should have done something actually derived from the Exorcist like a drawer suddenly opening by itself.


Or a clock stopping
