MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > Starting To Feel Like The Strain...

Starting To Feel Like The Strain...

...and I hope not because that show got really awful really fast. Please don't tell me they're harvesting these organs to go feed some demon. It's either that or the people will be eating the organs as some sort of soothing process inside their own body to calm their inner pain from their own personal demonic possession. That would be the less hokey option.

I like the premise of the show better if half the town isn't possessed. But that ship has sailed. Hopefully this is going down a path that doesn't suck.


Also the most confusing part of the ep was the possessed girl speaking to the old man who wasn't really there. How does that plot line jive with these other possessed psychos who are going around killing people?


Well maybe they don't. Maybe there's........gasp two plot lines or maybe they will intersect. Maybe we can just fûcking watch the show and find out.

And The Strain sucked right out of the gate. It's actually, marginally improved on the third season. Mercifully it's ending next season.


i was thinking they're harvesting the body parts for some massive satanic ritual they're preparing for.


the most confusing part of the ep was the possessed girl speaking to the old man who wasn't really there.

That's a demon, specifically, that's the demon who has attached itself to her soul.

He's gaining her trust and loyalty by making himself appear to her in a father/grandfatherly form. She's clearly in need of a male role model because the one she has is proving to be less than she thought he was. He's fragile from the brain damage, and that makes her vulnerable to the demon who can show her he can effect the world around her to make her life better. That's why he broke her opponent's leg.

No Quarter


Exactly, RevengeServedCOLD! Well said. I'd like to add that in the novel, "Captain Howdy" (the demon), who Chris just blew off as being Regan's imaginary/invisible friend, was actually a figure Regan could really see and interact with. I always thought that that was one of the most chilling aspects of the book and I'm glad that the show is incorporating it in a very direct way instead of merely insinuating it (which is the way it was handled in the film).


The guy that went up to Casey at the church when they were feeding the homeless (same guy that was outside the church on episode 1), said in Latin: Lupus in fabula venit enim ad me. That translates to "The wolf in the story/fable: he came to me too." Maybe he was possessed by the same demon, but found Casey to be a better host. Her family is probably going to be around the Pope, so it makes more sense to go to a girl from a wealthy/influential family than to just a homeless man. Although, we know from the first episode that there are many demons in this area, from the line about the rats - "Where there is one, there are many.


It seems to be a Legion spread out among the homeless to create a more functional army of sorts.
I think whatever demon chose her is admired by the others.
He's special. It could be a high ranking demon, or it could be the Devil himself.

The appeal of the girl probably has something to do with her innocence.
If it was just the proximity to the Pope, he could have chosen her sister, who seems ripe for the picking, an obvious choice.

I think it may lie more in her chastity than anything easily observed so far, as to what the deciding factor was in attaching to her soul over the rest of her family.

She's the perfect sacrificial lamb of God.

I'm also wondering if they are going to do a flashback of her sister getting a hold of an Ouija board to play with (from her friend she mentioned who had the Facebook witchcraft liking thing). Sort of a nod back to the source material and how "Captain Howdy" made the acquaintance of Regan.

No Quarter


Or Casey is the focus of the attention of the demon and he briefly possess the rest, like in Exorcist III


Strain season 1 started out fine. Season 2 was horrific. Season 3 I haven't even bothered to watch because of 2. It's better how? And if it had sucked so badly from the get go why are you still watching 3 years in?


Because I read the books and kept hoping that it would improve. Plus it has a cool take on vampires and a couple of interesting characters. Now that I know it's ending I'll stick with it.


I love the Strain for what it is. It's a fun show, not a serious show. I didn't read the books and don't take the show seriously, so I really just relax and enjoy it for what it is. a creature feature.

I don't fault Guillermo del Toro for having some lighthearted fun. That's how he described the show before the first season aired. Just a fun horror show for the summer.

That's actually how I take this show. I don't expect it to be as good as or better than the original Exorcist. it TV.

But I don't see this show goig in the same route as he Strain. It's just TV. TV is better ejoyed without a stick up one's ass. Lol


larosat, i agree w/ you 100% regarding THE STRAIN. the writing for most of season 1 was shockingly horrible (having characters that are supposed to be intelligent doing THE most idiotic/unbelievable things just to move the plot along, etc.) yet the vampire parts of the show are pretty great/well done (The Master's muppet/fish lips/face god awful design/FX not included. LOL).

season 2 was a teeny tiny bit better (writing-wise) but still had things like Fet & Dutch going swimming at a ravaged/highly vampire dangerous downtown YMCA type of place AT NIGHT(!!!!)...etc. etc.

season 3 has been ok but it really doesn't feel like much has happened and we're already on episode 5 (out of a 10 ep season).
