MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > I like the holy water reference-Spoilers...

I like the holy water reference-Spoilers..

I like how they made use of the holy water. In the original movie( and novel), Karras sprinkles Regan with ordinary tap water, and the demon reacts as a red herring, to try to throw him off. I liked how in the show they used holy water but the demon manages to suppress the reaction. Plus, that millipede..Yuck.

The only error I noticed was that Angela states she isn't supposed to take the holy water. My church has holy water that parishioners can take home. My grandmother always had some in the house.


I was going to write the same thing about the holy water. It is there for people to freely use or to take. It is just tap water that is blessed by a priest, so it isn't as though it costs the church anything. I wouldn't recommend drinking it, as the font isn't usually cleaned thoroughly (as you saw he just added more water to the holy water that was already in the font and then gave a blessing over it), standing water is a vector for mold, mildew, fungi and bacteria, and the last reason I wouldn't drink it is that nearly everyone has put a finger or two in the font to get water to "cross themselves" as they genuflect before sitting in a pew (some also "cross themselves upon exiting the church as well). All of the above make for a nasty mixture.


I forgot to add that my grandmother, great-grandmothers, and various great-aunts always kept a bottle of blessed holy water (tap water that they brought in to the church in their own jar, and had it blessed by a Priest or Monsignor) in their kitchen with palm fronds folded into a cross (gotten new each year on Palm Sunday). Before a big family meal, or holiday, they would dip the palm into the holy water and flick the water over the food on the table and over each person at the table. My family is Roman Catholic - I am an atheist, but since the ritual meant nothing to me, I never said anything about getting a few drops of the water on me. Let people people what they want, and let me have my own beliefs - I don't force mine on you, so don't force yours on me.


I know at my church they let you get as much holy water as you want
