Too Dark

It almost seemed as if it was shot in black and white. When it's too dark, it's hard for me to follow. I realize that this is not a bright, sunny show like Hawaii Five-0 (which, coincidentally, is on at the same time, but I should be able to see that Geena Davis has red hair!

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


It's a technique they use to make things look cold and dead cause of the theme of the show. Just turn up your brightness a little or a lot



Didn't notice any of that at all.


I thought it was too dark also.


Too bad they didn't have all cheery colors for a horror movie.


they aren't talking about the color scheme. they're talking about scene that are film so dark for effect that you can't see what's going on. they do that with Game of Thrones and a lot of movies these days.

It's as annoying as the shaky cam. but , of course some people don't mind it and some like it. No one's wrong about how they feel.


I don't even know what you're talking about, sure I weren't expecting colors like the 80's Miami Vice but it looked fine to me.


I know. Why not turn on the light going down the hallway or more lights everywhere like real people have on in their houses at night?

Damn I'm good.


I agree. I came to see if anyone else complained about this. As a photographer, I can see that the blacks/shadows are too high. Obviously this was done on purpose for a dark creepy effect, but it's hard to watch.
And since my TV brightness is perfect for everything else that I watch, I don't want to have to change it just for this.
