MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > What's scary is that some still think th...

What's scary is that some still think this is scary

Well, in 1973 perhaps... but now it's downright boring. At least American Horror Story gets creative with its way of twisting plots and tries not to fall into old formulas and The Walking Dead is not about zombies but how far humans go to commit horrible acts, the horror inside of us...

If Hollywood wants to bring back a series based on a popular horror novel/film, bring back Hannibal, at least it was well done.


Maybe shocking is a better word. I admit I didn't watch much of tonight's episode, but what I did catch made me snap to attention. It's the chest busting scene in Alien. Some scenes "WOWED" me.

And what fresh Hell is this?, Malory from Archer(Dorothy Parker)


I agree - there is more to enjoying this show than being scared. It is creepy but it's also quite interesting and has great characters. It proves that you can take a story that has been done so many times yet still make it fresh and intriguing. Some scenes were "wow" worthy to me too


It's an excellent show with great acting and writing. No silly shock scares.


I feel the same way larosat.


right on larosat!!


I agree, and will watch the show because of it. I was at first not going to bother. What changed my mind is that I watched the first episode. I was at my father's house and he had it on his DVR and I asked if he saw it yet (since he has a habit of not deleting shows after watching them, he just goes to the next thing he has DVRed), he hadn't so I suggested we watched it. We both thought that it was done very well, and I have the show set on my own DVR now.



One of the most tedious, absolutely nothing happening shows ever put on TV. Waited 3 years for something to happen. Still waiting. Superb acting was its only plus but each episode was so mind bogglingly slow.


Thank god--I'm glad somebody else out there recognizes Hannibal for the pretentious snorefest that it was. Interminable scenes of Han talking psuedo-psychoanalysis with his patients, and then the occasional murder that were so over-the-top ridiculous it made me wonder if the writers came up with them just to make each other laugh while brainstorming in the writer's room.

I only lasted through a season-and-a-half before I'd had enough.

This is your brain on drugs with salt and pepper and a little bit of Tabasco.


I watched all of the first season just to see how it would end. Couldn't stand it. So boring. I never watched it again.


What scary is that people think that Lady Gaga is scary.
This show isn't about just trying to shock people. It's actually has some character development and story.


GaGa winning that award was an insult to any actor that's ever worked. She was horrendous and part of the reason why I stopped watching the last season of AHS.


Again, I couldn't agree more!


who says this show is trying to be scary? it's very atmospheric and very creepy. i'm a lifelong horror movie fan and very few movies/shows scare me these days (THE EXORCIST III and THE CHANGELING are among the very few that do) but this show thus far is VERY VERY good. the acting (especially Alfonso as Tomas and Ben as Marcus) is excellent (as good as, if not better than anything on AHS or TWD imo) and the storyline/script is completely coherent unlike the past 4 seasons on AHS.

AHS hasn't been all that great since season 1's fantastic "Murder House" and TWD (season 1 is one of the best seasons of any show ever made) has been lather, rinse, repeat for about 4 seasons now. both of those shows are purely about shock factor.


The new season of AHS is very different and intriguing.


larosat, i actually am pretty much enjoying this new season of AHS. i'm not in love with the "interview"/"re-enactments" part of it but overall these first 3 eps of ROANOKE have been pretty decent.


who says this show is trying to be scary? it's very atmospheric and very creepy.

I agree, and it's also a mystery series where the audience has to solve the plot.

But there's some jump scares too.

Some scene are a little scary, but very creepy.


The Changeling with George C. Scott is one of the most unnerving movies that exist. I watch a ton of horror movies and have so since I was in diapers so nothing really phases me but the Changeling is one of the best horror movies out there and I feel nobody knows about it anymore. I still get chills during the seance and then the audio recording.


Sorry Changling didn't do much for me. Probably because I saw it 30 years after it came out and I've been used to horrors by now. And because I accidental watched the Angelina Jolie movie thinking it was the movie at first.



I don't believe in much of the supernatural, and I certainly don't believe werewolves or vampires, or aliens actually exist or walk among us, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy films about them.

Possession movies are one of the few that still resonates on a deeper level. Not because I believe the devil can curl up inside me and use me like a puppet, but because I believe evil exists and can manifest in all of us.

Take a look at some of the crime scene photographs of what we're all capable of doing to one another. We all start with a clean slate, and some of us choose to work with charities and take in stray animals and others of us butcher and dismember people for a way to pass the time.

The scare for me is not the fact that the fictional world performs the exorcisms, it's the fact that we don't even have that option in reality when we catch someone like John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy. They just stay evil until we exterminate them.

At least with these shows and films there is a potential excuse and a happy ending of sorts.

No Quarter


Another person that doesn't understand the basic human fact that what scares people is personal and different.


Exactly!!! It's very subjective. People can't understand that.


I am happy with a show, which shows the malice of the demonic, compared to which human villainy is pityful. That is why I much prefer this type of show - precisely for the reasons you listed. I want a genuine fear of the unknown.


My best new show this season. More than designate supervisor

