MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > Who is the man that the girl is talking ...

Who is the man that the girl is talking to, and no one else sees him?

I might have missed who this guy was or an explanation of why he is there..but the girl seems to know him?


He's a demon, disguised as a good-natured salesman in order to earn Casey's confidence. The "Salesman" serves the same purpose as Regan's "imaginary" friend "Captain Howdy" from the 1971 novel and 1973 film, who also was really a demon, but through appearing to the innocent girl initially as a benevolent figure was able to gain her trust and eventually possess her.


this, or he is a ghost of an evil man, who allied himself with Pazuzu, like the Gemini Killer did in part III.


Ok thanks for he answer. I was watching it and he just appeared at the game...I didn't see him before that so I was confused. I knew he was evil though ;)


I wondered if it could have been her grandfather, who may be dead. She sure seemed comfortable with him, and if the demon was appearing to Casey as her grandfather, that would explain why she's so trusting of him.

The other theories sound good, too.


He kind of reminds me of the evil reverend Henry Kane from poltergeist 2.


Why is he called "The Salesman?" That named wasn't mentioned in the show.


He was referred to as the salesman, by Casey, when Father Marcus asks where she got the item he was holding.(this convo was in the preview for next week's episode)..this preview played immediately following the end of epi 2.


He's referred to as such in the IMDb cast list.


I was wondering the same thing. Glad to have an answer.

Look at us. You pretending to be me, signing a book I didn't even write. -Selina Meyer
