MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > The demon just dropping out, or putting ...

The demon just dropping out, or putting on a cute chipper

"normal" façade is really corny and unbelievable.

It should be like in the first movie.

When they have you for more than ten minutes, they have you.


It's not corny, if it's in character with the unpossessed girl. And why do you want a rehash of the movie? Makes no sense.


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


And why do you want a rehash of the movie?

The die hard purists that love the original flick have been really stand off-ish with this series. I asked the regulars on the Exorcist '73 board if they planned to watch the new series.

{{{{{{ crickets }}}}}}}


No one is holding a gun to anyone's head to make them or you watch the TV series. So it doesn't really matter what people on the movie board say as to watching this show or not. I loved the original- it still scares the sh!t out of me, and I am an atheist, but I am watching this show on its own right. I am not seeing this as a continuation of the original, but just in the same universe as the movie.


The idea that anyone could be possessed with the demon either imitating their usual behavior perfectly or going dormant and allowing them temporary self-control until it's ready to strike is much scarier and less corny than some "possessed people have to act crazy all the time" type of rule.




Plus, according to anecdotal evidence of those who have dealt with possessed people, they don't act crazy all of the time. They can function and some even go to church.
