MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > I missed a minute of episode 2...

I missed a minute of episode 2...

We had some stormy weather Friday night and my DVR cut out a minute, and I was hoping someone could fill me in on what I missed. It was when Angela raced home after getting a voice mail from Casey on her cell; she called her daughter's cell back and heard it ringing upstairs and found it on her daughter's bed, and that's when it cut out.

What happened next?


The sisters and fathers came home.. then they found worms under Casey's pilliow.


Casey also told her mom that she did not call her because she was out. Her mom saw her phone on her pillow and there were worms on her pillow


They were centipedes, like the one she vomited later.


Not worms, some kind of big centipede (though not millipedes, which don't move that fast, I think), the same kind she pulled out of her mouth later on, though that one was supersized. Demons do revel in the unclean creepy crawlies.


They looked like ozzie centipedes - the demon must have imported them :D

The one's in the show were little :)

Could be South American one's also - they're even bigger


Thanks so much, everyone!


Heh, must have replied at the same time. I know people who would rather have a demon inside of them than those centipedes in their homes. Especially their beds, yuck. 


The wife sprayed one of the ozzie ones that was hiding under a skirting board in our home the other day - it hasn't come back out, so she must have got it :D
