MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > soccer incident bad cgi

soccer incident bad cgi

Terrible. With all the technology Fox couldn't pay for a good cgi technologist, special effects lay person


What part was CGI? The girls leg snapping? How do you know it wasn't a prosthetic leg or prop?


It was totally obviously bad CGI.


How can you tell? It lasted about 2 seconds.


Cant tell 100% but it looked CG to me and it was the weakest part of the episode.

Here is a screenshot:


You cannot tell if that is CGI or not. The color grading, shadowing, darkness and lighting prohibits us from being able to point and say "OMG CGI LAMESAUCE!!"

Just because one does not like the look of something does not automatically mean it had to have been created by the evil Computer Generated Image Demon. 😈💻


They used all the budget on the bug out of the mouth.
