It was OK.

I wasn't overly impressed with the pilot...
It was good enough to keep watching but nothing too groundbreaking.
One thing I didn't like was the lack of a build up to the possession.
Geena Davis's character seemed terrified that her daughter was being targeted for demonic possession but there had only been 1 very short scene of her hearing voices in the walls....
So, when she was telling the priest about her daughter and how confident she seemed that something was going on.....I couldn't help but think "Really? But hardly anything has happened.."

I was hoping it would be a little more in tone with the original film too.
If it supposed to be set in the same universe, I would expect the possessed people to resemble Regan from the original (Yellow demonic eyes etc)

The way the possessed girl acted in the attic wasn't very effective or compelling either. (The floating rat looked terrible)
There was no signs of her or anyone else being possessed and then all of sudden...She was acting the girl from The Ring.
It just wasn't very convincing to me.

I'm sure for making comments that aren't entirely positive means I am gonna get slammed by people who loved the show now lol.
That's fine.....Just remember we can't all like the same things :-)


I agree with all the points you made. It wasn't scary because there wasn't any build up, as you said, and no room for doubt as to there actually being a demon or not. I don't really know how the next episodes are going to be able to keep our interest.
I actually hope they follow the book, not the film, but since the possessed person is a girl it seems they are following the film.


What book have you read, William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist has always featured Regan as the possessed child.



the real life case is fascinating, allegedly they strapped him down the bed in the infirmary and he was able to literally tear the straps off, would know when rosary's and crucifix's were blessed with holy water etc etc.

personally i don't believe in possession but it's fascinating none the less.


I meant the original as Madmax said. The supposed 'true story' happened to a boy.


I agree OP.
