Organ thefts.

We haven't had any church desecrations in the show, like there were in the movie and book. I think maybe those organ thefts will be part of a church desecration or maybe something when the Pope comes to town.

I hope they don't go down the path of trying to make this a crime show too..


I hope they don't go down the path of trying to make this a crime show too..
Why not? There was a crime / murder mystery in the original.


Still tied in with Regan's possession though. I just hope this organ thing isn't some black market operation. I don't think so, I think they'll be used in a desecration or perhaps ritual use.


I just hope this organ thing isn't some black market operation.

I seriously doubt it. Probably some kind of demonic sacrifice. They didn't seem clean enough to actually use the organs for medical purposes.


And this isn't tied in with the latest possession? 


I saw previews of church desecration as well. And yes, the crimes will be connected to the church, making the priest's program to help the homeless a disaster, and used as an embarrassment to the church when the Pope visits. Assuming the visit isn't cancelled because of the murders.


Oh, ok. I hadn't seen previews for upcoming episodes. I liked that shot at the end of episode two, with the billboard of the Pope that said "He is coming". Ominous sounding, at least to me. You just know the poop will hit the fan then,lol.


Or maybe they're just organ donors. 😱
