MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (2016) Discussion > WHY does Father Thomas and the other pri...

WHY does Father Thomas and the other priest look like they will KISS?

In real life, people, especially adult men do not come so close to each others face just to talk talk about things. These to always look like they are about to make out in every scene. There chemistry, there body language, the way they look at each others lips and

Is one of them bisexual or something? wouldnt be surprise..


its hot


Damn I wish they'd kiss. That is pretty much the only thing that would make the show better than it already is. ;)


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


Nice. Good.


Latino and Mediterranean, and other European, people tend to get close to each other when we talk (men and women alike). Also, the two characters are talking about something that the church doesn't want them doing, so speaking quietly necessitates the closeness.


But Father Marcus is English, and they notoriously stand away from each other, right? I also thought there was unexplained sexual tension, or suggestion between the two characters.

A simple mind is a tidy mind.


That's not just this show. It happens in most shows and movies. It's so the microphone above them catches all the dialogue.


I don't get that vibe from them at all..


I got the impression they were on the verge of being confrontational/violent.

It might be that priests look each other in the eye when they want to convey important information. Some men and women are like that. Isn't facing your critics part of the Catholic teachings?

I just don't see any same gender attraction. Frankly it would take the show into an unnecessary direction. I think both these priests are scared. I would be.


Maybe you are seeing what you want to see and are a latent LBGTQer?
