I'm loving this

This show is just working for me, although I think they're using the six act structure? Anyone notice for sure? That's never good.

Still, this latest episode (Let 'Em In) delivered. It was creepy, uncomfortable and Hannah Kasulka (Casey) is killing it. It was a bit light on the parent/daughter dynamic, and I hope they don't abandon that for too long, but the interrogation scene and the final scene on the El were spot on.

Btw, in the opening scene, did Brianne Howey (Kat) remind anyone else of Julia Roberts? Her voice, especially, sounded like her.


Agreed. It achieves the atmosphere of the first film, which is no easy feat for a tv show. Also, I'm loving the cast and glad to see film actors doing television. I'm not really familiar with six act structure, but I assume that's why I thought the show was ending two or three commercials before it did. Sadly, I missed most of the very beginning of this episode.


Basically, TV shows would have the opening shot (the teaser) and then four acts. Greedy networks inserted an extra commercial break, making it a six act structure, which is why the last 15 minutes of so many shows seem a bit disjointed now: they have to write really short scenes. I can't remember now, but I think it was either Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) or Matthew Weiner (Mad Men) who insisted on a four act structure.
