Done with this Show

I wrote a review about how I was going to give this show another chance to see if it would rebound.

Nope, I'm done. The last episode did it for me. I thought we finally hit a point with characters that would show dimension. I thought Pilar punching Dion in the face showed someone who finally wasn't going to put up with his "rebel with a heart of gold" act. The moment they started making out, I was out.

So many side plots that I have little to no interest in. The turf war between the mob and Asian gang? Pass. The mob boss and his Dad in bad health? Just either end it or don't, but move on. And the child services story seems too cut and dry. Everything does. Of course Dion and Rie had to have some sort of relationship and Tommy being a passive aggressive wuss he won't just go up to Dion and ask him. And what happened to the cop who was using Dion to get information about the mob?

Unlikable characters, unnecessary subplots, weak writing, overacting, and more. AMC, I'll stick to Better Call Saul, which is amazing compared to this watered down Sopranos rewrite.


Thanks for posting. I was just sitting down to binge watch the 4 shows I hadn't seen yet & I thought I'd check IMDB to see if the show got better. You saved me from wasting 4 hrs of my life. I owe you, ?


Oops, that's a smiley face at the end. ;)


I 100% agree with you. The characters and storylines were already kind of weird, but the show jumped the shark for me when Pilar punched Dion and then starts boning him ... um, no. I immediately canceled the show from my DVR series manager.
