Spoiler Question

How come Ruben was kicked out of the addiction recovery group? All for leaving to get a cochlear implant?


people there didn't want to see their deafness as a disability but Ruben not only continued to do so but he did a very impulsive thing like selling the van in order to pay for the surgery and I think that was seen not only as an affront to the work they were doing but also a sign of addiction manic thinking


Because the group was really a cult that wanted him to shun science and medicine. They somehow had a twisted belief that people shouldn't treat a medical problem, because Rubens treated it they wanted him to leave the cult.


This! So glad to find some straight talk.


pretty much. i thought the mentor was kind of an asshole in that scene, refusing to help when he needed the most. not saying he should have given him money or anything, just letting him stay at least for a while. but no. pack your shit TODAY and go, lol.


Totally agree.


I get what you mean.
However, please keep this in mind.

If you are a kid and you are going to that school... You have no rich parents, you have no money for such a surgery.
Next day, you go to school and you see your fellow deaf school assistant (Ruben) suddenly is full of scars and stitches, because he's doing an implant.
A kid will see this and think to himself "this guy was here with us, being like me... But apparently he hates being like me so much that he goes through all these stitches, scars, through all this process, to not be like me anymore. I also don't want to be like this, then."

Do you think that would be something good to parade around a deaf community? I don't think so, so what Joe did makes some sense.


i know why he did it, i just dont agree with it :/


This is a bit of a grey area. It's true Joe seemed unsympathetic and inconsiderate but Ruben was at fault too, playing both sides and having the operation behind Joe's back. Ruben got into a sought-after program instead of other people that would gladly make the most of it. Hard to say who's in the wrong


"Hard to say who's in the wrong "

And that's exactly what makes a great movie.


I totally see Joe’s position. The other deaf people will look at Ruben, see that he underwent a lot of trouble to get an operation to “cure” himself. And their confidence will take a hit. Joe’s mission was to make them embrace deafness, not see the condition as something that needed a cure.

Joe didn’t make the decision lightly. When Ruben walks away, you see Joe sigh heavily and look really sad / shaken
