
Do they keep making cheapo rip off tripe like this?

"Hasta la vista, baby."



Because it's hysterical and fun. I'm sorry that you hate fun.


Likewise, I'm sorry you enjoy spending 2 hours of life regularly watching college grade actors fumble through the worst scrips and trying to act serious around playschool type special effects. The only people who could find films like this "fun" are obviously high on something you can't buy in your local supermarket. Going out and socialising with friends is "fun" Playing sports is "fun" watching well made, enthralling movies that are done with a bit of professionalism is "fun" Watching idiotic, poorly made, poorly acted and completely ripped off of better films movies like this is not.No doubt you're one of the few hundred stoners who own all the special edition dvd's of the Evil Bong series. Have fun.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


Chill and breathe, man. Some people find mediocrity and subpar B-movie efforts hilarious. Not everything in life is going to be stellar - without bad movies like this, how would we know what's good and what's not? People watching this awful movie doesn't affect your life or how you choose to live it. Just relax and stop getting worked up over a movie called Zoombies.


Who the *beep* are you to be the decider of what other people should enjoy?? Someone may think you're high on something for some of the bs you like. Everybody doesn't find value in the same things and some people enjoy cheap, silly, bmovies just as much as the so called "well acted" movies you speak of. Like seriously, you really think that your taste in movies is the end all be all of what everybody else should like? You my friend are an arrogant azzhole that needs to worry about his own life and stop trying to insult people for having different taste.


God i love how tough and cocky some geeks are behind thier little computer screens on this site, really makes me chuckle :-D

"Hasta la vista, baby."


Hahaha you just described yourself. Cocky? Yeah. You're so cocky that you believe that your taste in movies should be the universal, primary taste in movies. GTFOH!


Jeez dude! Why you being such a dick? So people like to watch things that make them laugh. So frigging what, you pretentious snob. I've always found people like you particularly obnoxious and full of themselves which in most cases is them trying to make themselves look better than other people because they think so little of themselves.


Because we love them.


1. It's made by 'Asylum' pictures.
2. It has no discernible 'stars'
3. It's called 'Zoombies'
4. it's about zombie zoo animals

..of course it's going to be cheap crap! But people rent it BECAUSE it's cheap crap. I expected it to be awful..it was..me and my friends were commenting through out and having a good laugh! Watch this if you've sat through at least 2 Sharknado films. Do not watch this if you want to see a serious, well made, well acted, well scripted film with amazing SFX. It's crap. Hilarious crap..but crap all the same.
