Eric Roberts teeth

I don't remember Eric Roberts teeth looking like that. Am I the only one who noticed his strange teeth?


Yes! I even googled 'did Eric Roberts have a stroke'while I was watching this because his speech sounded slightly slurred but I think it was partly his teeth, one was really long in the front. Maybe he had an accident or something because they didn't look like that before.


Yes! I even googled 'did Eric Roberts have a stroke' while I was watching this because his speech sounded slightly slurred but I think it was partly his teeth, one was really long in the front. Maybe he had an accident or something because they didn't look like that before.

I just watched it and thought the same thing about his speech and teeth. I didn't recall his teeth being that bad either.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


His bottom teeth were stained like a smoker's. I couldn't decide why he had one super long tooth on top front teeth but maybe one was chipped off and that's why one looked so long.


I thought the same thing. He is\was an alcoholic in real life so perhaps he had a car accident or got beat up. His bottom teeth are really bad too.


This 2016 movie "The Wrong Roommate" is the same exact movie almost word-for-word as the 1996 movie "Unstable" with Ivan Sergei. The names were changed and the storyline was changed slightly it was given a new title. I had just watched Unstable a couple days ago so when I watched The Wrong Roommate I knew the upcoming dialogue before they said the words.

Anyone else catch that?
