What This Is Missing

This documentary is missing the victim and the victim's family. I read that they declined to participate, and Peyton is getting on with her life nicely unlike these two losers. The danger of doing a documentary where you concentrate only on the perpetrators and their families and not the victim and her family is a misplaced sympathy for the perps. Also, Anissa's parents turn right around and commit the same offense with their son as they did their daughter - a reliance on and fascination with an iPad. Anissa is chubby and her brother is chubby. Get these kids away from their devices and outdoors playing and participating in sports and other activities.


I didn't see anything to show he was reliant or fascinated with an ipad.
In fact he mentioned how he was struggling with the fact that the school is requiring them (he mentioned having to attend a meeting at the school), between his fears that the same kind of attachment to fictional characters could happen to his son.

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho


The son was being reliant and fascinated by the iPad, not the father.

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


Yes, that's what I meant - the son. He was using it at the kitchen (?) table and his parents told him to put it down - a couple of times,


I may have misread that.

The household certainly needs more parental supervision with those devices.
What was that the kid was playing that seemed like a character was being thrown around the screen while on fire (that's what it looked like anyway)?
Definitely not the most appropriate material for his age.

Should we take bets that the school meeting emphasized a strong need for parental supervision and placing appropriate parental control settings on the devices?
Most schools would and should when things like this occur in the community.
I mean, they should anyway, but schools will usually increase the emphasis at times like this.

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho


The kid was playing a driving game. The rest of it was just a montage of games, just like the YouTube videos. Don't be too quick to get sucked into the narrative.

And by the way, the dad told his kid that he had to put it away in a few minutes, not in that moment that the dimwit above is talking about. If you guys are seriously fixated on this proliferation of technology and the idea that we can hide the evils of the world from children, I don't have much hope that things will get any better for that generation.

I don't suppose I should have much confidence in the first place, though. I grew up with today's parents of that age, and they weren't any more enlightened than any other generation.


And then I read this in a Newsweek article about Morgan's parents:

"Shortly after the attempted murder, focus inevitably turned to the parents. The Daily Mail revealed that Geyser’s mother and father have Instagram feeds featuring photos of graves, skulls and other gothy images. Geyser’s father, Matt, once posted a drawing of Slender Man by his daughter, along with the comment, “Only Mogo [Morgan] draws Slenderman in crayon on a napkin when we are out to dinner.”"

So, it seems like her parents were also obsessed with the macabre; no wonder they weren't alarmed at her obsession with Slenderman. And once again, Dad seems proud of his weird daughter - "only" Morgan...


It seems to be something wrong with you. You see ghosts where there are none. (Pun intended)


Thanks for the info. So the parents were lying or stretching the truth when they said they had no idea their kids were into creepy pasta, etc?
I know it's difficult to monitor all online activity but what about general parenting expectations and rules? At 12, I knew if I even came close to committing a felony and most misdemeanors I would be begging for jail just to get away from my parents punishment. Those girls knew about prison, they knew what they were doing was wrong and the Slender man excuse is just BS for mitigation. If SM didn't exist, they would have stabbed her for the tooth fairy or out of jealousy.
I noticed what expert cons they were already, blaming the other for the crime while minimizing their own involvement. Reminds me of Hae Min Lee's killers from Serial. Each acts like they just stood there or they act like it was the other girls idea.
They will hurt someone again, at least I get that impression.


Not only is it compelling evidence they knew what was going on, at least to some extent (what? I never heard of Slenderman before my daughter did this crime. Right!), but it begs to question why it wasn't in the documentary.
Any producer and/or director would have and should have done some decent research into that, which isn't hard to find these days.
If something like this was found, any decent filmmaker would have included it.
Unless they really are purposely trying to bias their audience and/or future potential jurors.

The article would have easily been found if published before the doc was finished.
If not, it's not very hard to find any kind of postings, be it Facebook, instagram, twitter, or any of the many similar social media sites around.

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho


If I had to guess, the filmmaker knew and kept it out to the maintain cooperation of the family. Those posts kind of wreck the "we had no idea she was into this kind of thing" narrative.


you seem to lack the comprehension of the fact that morgan was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Weier was diagnosed as having a 'shared delusional belief' (type of schizo)...and as for calling 2 12 year old girls with major psychological issues "losers"... lol... you must win humanitarian awards where ever you go... and your deep psychoanalytical dive from the shallow side was breath takingly humorous... good luck freud...


I'll chime in and say those girls are not mentally ill and as far as freud goes I think he had a phallus fasination and a mental illness himself. He was correct on a lot of things but he always focused on male members. Freud was gay and ill himself.


Lol.... I think u think too much about freuds fascination & is irrelevant too the topic. Please stop tryin to insert penus into the topic.... And i have no idea what you are trying to say.... Does your clinical psycholigical diagnosis somehow trump the the documentary psychologists opinion??? .... If so, why did you state that "even freud was correct"... What are u trying to say?: psychologist good or bad? Are u a psychologist? ..... Oh no ... Dont tell me... Your name is also dr. Freud...


What I am saying Freud was extrememly bright but got lost because everyone had a penis fasicination according to him, he eas ill himself. I do not believe in physcologists. They constantly misdiagnose personal issues with mental illness.

I could go on but it would take a long time educating you. Not that you're not educated but if you pay attention to the statements those girls made and honestly looked at it from every angle you would see they're just little liars.


Straight to the point... I have watched the doc... I don't think the two 12 year olds are lying... I don't think they killed their friend for some weird personal gratification. I do believe that they had an absurd fear of the slender man ... I don't think they are faking being schizophrenic... If they are faking and you are correct... Kudos to you... I guess this can be seen from many angles... And I am not without some criticism of the psychiatric community... But .... I don't think the whole psychiatric community is full of quacks... And let's leave the penus out of it...


And btw.... I really don't know what the penus you are talking about...


You seem to lack the comprehension that psychiatrists are conned and make mistakes all the time. Kenneth Bianchi, the Hillside Strangler, had some psychiatrist believing he had multiple personalities. LOL A sensible layman could watch those tapes and figure out Bianchi was acting, and yet he fooled a psychiatrist. And, yes, 12 year old girls who plot to murder their friend and leave her to die without calling anyone are indeed losers. You must win sucker of the year awards wherever you go. I hope you have someone managing your money for you, or you might end up with some Oceanside property in Wyoming...


I will agree. U sir are definitely the layman...

I am sure your psychiatric credientials are all in order... Lol... Its sunday, dont let your job as armchair headshrink interfere with your armchair coaching.

And i suppose the creators of the documentary dubiously titled "beware the slenderman" has any bearing on what the story is about. Or for that matter, its probably best to ignore the digital folklorist and proffessor interviewed about the slenderman phenomena and its effects on children and adults... Lets just ignore the fact that the movie had portions concerning the sociological effects of Mythologies, gods and demons, Santa claus to the boogieman, has on us all and how susceptible we are to falling down the internet rabbit hole: especially children: although at times i get a little concerned for my own fall down the rabbit hole ... Just ignore the anecdotal.... Gee what was the point of this documentary...

Oh yeah ... Two 12 year old girls (the clinically diagnosed schizo- morgan still believed in santa and unicorns and lost and unsupervised in the dark interweb schizo anissa ) stabbed their only other friend because they were afraid of an internet created boogieman- slenderman... Not for money or her toys or jealousy... Gee ... Nothing crazy about that at all

And as for your proffessional layman psychiatric assessment having credibility.... Bwahaha

U sir are an embarrassment to all the proffessional armchair headshrinks ... You have spread yourself to thin: Stick to armchair coaching.

... And sadly mr. Freud, i will have to decline your offer of oceanside wyoming property... But on a positive note, you get to keep it. I would never seperate a fool from his folly... And ruin a good phrase...


Which is why a psychologist's testimony is taken with a grain of salt by jurors. They can be conned so easily and a defense lawyer will always, always and always be able to find a psychologist or psychiatrist to go along with whatever defense they're using to get their client off.


So do you really think these two 12 yr old girls killed their only other friend for pleasure?


you seem to lack the comprehension of the fact that morgan was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Weier was diagnosed as having a 'shared delusional belief' (type of schizo)...

...and on and on and on.

Whatever. As long as they knew right from wrong (they did) and understood the consequence of their actions (they did), then it doesn't matter what they are diagnosed with. They are competent to stand trial.

So, they are competent to stand trial and have already confessed, all that's left to determine is how much of a mitigating factor their youth will be in sentencing.


Certainly in the UK and USA, "diminished responsibility" and "not guilty by reason of insanity" are well established legal defences that in some circumstances prevent a case even being fully tried in court. A diagnosis of schizophrenia, bi-polar, schizoaffective disorder and many other psychosis-related conditions can be sufficient for a defendant to be certified as unfit to stand trial, let alone be sentenced and punished for the crime.

My feeling is this is somewhat controversial amongst the non-scientific community due to the lack of understanding of psychiatric disease. People may accuse patients of "faking it" to avoid facing up to their crimes, or see mental disorders as a lesser form of illness that people should just "get over". The legal systems is some less developed countries may also follow this line of thinking, as Indonesia seems to going by this case.

On top of that do you treat 12 yr olds as your equals?


"not guilty by reason of insanity"

As I pointed out, knowing right from wrong and understanding the consequences of your actions precludes an insanity finding. If you are from the UK, I'd suggest not letting your legal system confuse your understanding of our legal system.

On top of that do you treat 12 yr olds as your equals?

When it comes to trusting that they wont stab me, yes.


On top of that do you treat 12 yr olds as your equals?

In the US, each state, and even differing counties and cities have their own laws as to when/is a minor can be tried as an adult.
Some of those are outdated, some are not. Some come with a stipulation that you have to prove intent, whether the child knew right from wrong first, can understand their actions and consequences, and/or whether it was a passion type crime or premeditated. Now, I don't know the specific laws where they are being charged in, but, listening to the judge before ruling on trying them as adults, all those things were referred to.

Each generation, and even region treats minors differently than previous ones have. These days, 12 yrs olds seem lees mature than in the past (by 12, I alredy had regular babysitting jobs -even overnights with parents out of town on weekends). Part of that comes from attitudes of never exposing kids to anything negative or that can even give an inkling that they are not the best at everything they do. That attitude has started to decrease, but not quite enough to revert 12 yr olds to the maturity level of previous generations. But, also, because of available technology most are smarter than previous generations.

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho


Yep. This "documentary" CLEARLY has an agenda. Both the father and mother of Morgan were deeply into this garbage. Matt Geyser proudly shared Morgan's drawing of Slenderman on his "Deadboy" Instagram account. Both the parents email addresses featured ILoveEvil and 666. Leaving this all out of the documentary is ridiculous. The documentary is obviously an overt attempt to keep these girls from being tried as adults and out of prison.To me...Morgan's parents for sure are equally culpable...and the father's "high functioning schizophrenia" is no excuse.
