well this is a snoozer

All over the place and slow moving.


Yeah . . . it could have been better placed, and I would have liked to hear more from Payton/Bella.


longest 2 hours of my life. total disappointment.


It took 2 long drawn-out hours for this snoozermentary to finally mention her mental illness. While the first hour and a half focused on blaming iPads. Ugh.


Agree all around. I like docs but this one was fairly amateur as to what I am used to watching. It couldn't decide what it wanted to be and was all over the place making it tedious to watch. The worst part, for me, was the misleading title which was obviously a ploy to drum up viewership. If you want to do a documentary on viral trends and how these things take on a life of their own using Slenderman, fine enough. If Slenderman was explored in even a quarter of this doc's 2 hrs, that would be generous. I do not necessarily agree but can see why some would think of this as veiled propaganda. Not really HBO quality to me.


It's very boring but it still kept me interested.


Yeah, real disappointment. I got through it all, but it was a chore. Horrible pacing and weak storytelling overall.


It was 30 minutes of material stretched out to 2 hours. Pretty disappointing.


felt like it was part of the director's probation


Def. not as advertised. Seemed to be not know what the heck it really was about, the incident...the Internet's influence on children in general...then back to courtroom drama...then back to the history of urban legends...all over the place is right.

What I'm really questioning is the total lack of questioning the two girls' motivation, etc. Seemed to never question if they are really telling the truth, unless I missed that part (literally...I did piece it together on two viewings but thought I saw it all).

Point is I couldn't understand how such intelligent girls could do this without being mentally ill or very manipulative. As a poster put it something is not right with Anissa. The omen comparison is correct. Is the mental evaluation correct, however?

I'm rambling and tired but basically this doc. lacked an identity. Not on par with most HBO documentaries. Felt like I needed to investigate more as it didn't...
