This Is A Funny Movie

I've never been a Tyler Perry fan, but I feel like he took more risks with this picture. Pot-smoking Bam was just f$%#@& hilarious. The acting on behalf of the frat kids was so abysmal, it was actually entertaining. I don't think Perry really directed them at all, and I don't particularly care: This is all about Madea, and she delivered.

It's nice to see unfiltered vision free from the checks and balances of most studio films. He is the Woody Allen of his time, like it or not.


Yeah. I had two friends go, who said they laughed the whole way thru. I'm going this coming week. It's been a while since I've been to a comedy like that. Most modern comedies just aren't funny. Might have something to do with my age and how humor has changed.

I think the thing is to go in and just enjoy it instead of dissecting the heck out of it.

This isn't some Oscar contender. It doesn't have to be. Just let go and enjoy.


I loathed "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" so much so I was afraid to watch any other Tyler Perry Movie. But this surprised me it actually made me laugh a lot more than I expected to. That's not to say it's a good movie but it is funnier than "Master Minds" and "Meet the Joneses"


Yes. It was funny. Plain and simple. People silly enough going to expect Sundance Film festival material will get what they deserve.
When I went, the entire theatre was laughing throughout the firm. If you need a break from realty and work in a difficult, high-stress industry like some of us do, it's worth fun to get out of your head every now and then.
