Grace's Sexuality

She was written as gay and then out of nowhere, they have her be straight? That sucks because I really wanted her with Zoe. I thought that when she told Zoe that she liked Zig, that she was lying so she wouldn't hurt Zoe because of her Cystic Fibrosis? But then she really did like him! Ugh! I think the Degrassi writers just like to pair random people up through the process of elimination or something.


I know they ruin stories lines with their lack of consistency sometimes.


Yeah. Like how in the beginning of last season they had Maya ask if Grace was dressing girly to impress a boy. Why would she ask that if she knew her friend was gay? And Grace didn't even correct her. Sometimes I think the writing on this show was made by people who never took a tv production class.


Or you're just not paying attention because other people are saying that Grace was never established as gay and Zoe would be the only one to think so since they kissed and I'm sure that wasn't made public to anyone else.


Grace practically told Maya that she's gay.


No she didn't. In Season 14 of the other Degrassi series, Tiny & Zig made a bet to get that cheerleader's number and Grace ended up getting it as Maya says "Wait, you're gay?" Grace responds by saying "Who said anything about being gay?". Throughout the entire series Grace was never gay she just hooked up with Zoe because she even states "I never been close to anyone in this way" so when they hook up she realized that she's not into girls and didn't like the idea of it and infact she likes boys, she was so lonely she felt like she had no choice to go with Zoe. Read my other comments on this, it explains that stuff like this happens.

I don't know why you think Grace was ever gay, never any hints. It was all Zoe who was into her.


She was never written as gay. Zoe and the other characters just assumed she was because she wasn't a girly girl.


It seems everyone at Degrassi goes gay for at least a little bit in their 8 years there.


Haha. I was just saying that you didn't go to Degrassi if you're not gay, pregnant, or a music star!


When was she ever written as gay? As far as I can tell, she was questioning her sexuality, got together with Zoe, and realized she was not gay.


Grace was feeling vulnerable, and she never really had a friend she could confide in, about her illness and everything, and she confused the feelings of closeness for a different sort of intimacy and then when she tried it she realized she didnt like it.

Just cause a girl is a rebel doesnt mean she is gay.


Hmm, here's a thought. Did you ever think she could be bisexual?


hmmm, no, because she says she isnt .




After she hooked-up with Zoe, she tells her she doesn't like girls and that she likes boys and Zoe said something along the lines of "Name one boy you actually like" and she says "Zig". I believe on the first season of Next Class she said that. I still don't get why people are still trying to claim Grace as gay or bi, she experimented once and claimed she didn't enjoy any of it and just realized she was straight. I think Grace was maybe a little bi-curious but she never seemed into Zoe, Zoe seemed into her. Grace just was vulnerable and never had anyone like her in that way which is why she felt the need to try things with Zoe. Trust me, I know tons of straight girls who barley got attention from boys who thought their best option was to try with a girl and when those girls had lesbian sex they didn't like it. I'm sure straight guys who barley got attention from girls may have experimented with a guy and didn't like the experience. I think curious sex is normal and Grace not feeling it is probably one of the more realistic story-lines.


The Degrassi kids definitely do get around with each other that's for sure. I noticed that years ago when Jimmy, Emma, Manny, etc. were there.


I completely agree. Such a missed opportunity. They had great chemistry and they seemed great for each other. I just started season 3 and am on episode 4 but I really hope that they get together or at least back to the friends they were. Everybody goes through rejection at times but with how they started out it was obvious they should be together. It is a missed opportunity.


She wasn't written as gay. I think she was bi-curious. Like maybe she herself was confused, but then realized she was straight after. It's a spectrum anyway, so she falls somewhere before 100% straight.
