Not a believable scene

In the beginning where the ladies were piling on 5 sliders + 5 Texas toast onto their plates and then not even taking a bite. 😄


The point is she's broke and she has free food, so she takes it home.


I don't remember seeing her taking it with her when she left.


You don't actually see them get up and leave; they're still sitting when the scene ends. They do ask the waitress for a "to go box" just before Shawn comes over to gripe about Holland getting injured.


Ah okay, I must've forgotten that part.


The women are constantly talking during the scene, so they don't show them eating. Gina does eat a few French fries onscreen and Laurel holds her fork and picks at her plate and I did see something on her fork during a reverse angle shot. They pile up their plates so they can take the "leftovers" home.
