Don't over analyze!

I for one just enjoyed every second! A lot has been said about ep 3. Doesn't anybody remember the funny, ironic episodes that were just silly flights of whimsy? I LMAO!! I certainly hope they bring it back after that major cliff hanger of an ending!! FOX please renew it!!! Please, please, please... Still one of the most intelligent, witty shows ever to be on TV. Thank you FOX Channel!!


The funny episodes only happened because the show was getting stale

If you remember it was MAINLY serious EVEN when dana got a new parnter

When david cameback to the show it became silly eg a episode where a woman was really a genie

P.s if i WERE gonna over analyse id say why would the terrorist in the 5th episode speak arabic when his mum speaks fluent english??


I loved it and love Rhys Darby!!!! They always had silly episodes just like Supernatural does!
