My thoughts

I did not like how it jumped around frequently. I could not figure out the purpose of the gay black military man specifically. I do know what most of the events are--who the people are. But with out any advance background, an average viewer might not get much out of this mini series

Good that they did show realistic struggle with parents and struggling to find suitable place--both living and in the world. Perspective/hindsight is everything.

They left out the Gay liberation front's participating in the sit in for the signing of Section 504 regulations of the Rehabilitation Act. They did try to discuss social movements working together--well they should have discussed the disability rights movement and how the GLF did coalition with it.

Looks like people with disabilities will need our own mini series


Something that I was curious about was how were so many of them getting disability benefits for being a drug addict or alcoholic. I didn't think you could get a check for that. Maybe it's different in California, but I know the state that I live in you can't get benefits for being an addict. You have to convince them that you're mental instead.


It was easier to get social security back then. People with disabilities were presumed unable to work--ADA was not passed until 1990, requiring reasonable accommodation for an otherwise qualified person in state/local and private non religious buildings.

At this point only federal buildings had to accommodate. Everybody else did not

And it wasn't that they were cheating the system either.

They were depressed b/c they legally could not get hired because of who they were as a GLBT person---so they did turn to drugs and/or alcohol to cope--however it was a VERY bad and ultimately ineffective way of coping with not being hired.

Back then being GLBT itself WAS a mental condition.

So this is why/how they got SS
