wow, what a movie!!

What did you think about this movie


I liked it also thought it was good!


Great movie!!


I enjoyed it, the acting was also really good, almost too good for a lifetime movie. Although I knew the trainer was nuts early on, the movie still kept me entertained, only thing that distracted me was the height of the daughter. Lol.


Lol, I know right, I was thinking the same thing during the movie.


I thought it was just me - ROTF! The daughter was definitely vertically challenged especially when you took the height of the parents into consideration! ???


Just another one of those films with a man who can't protect his family.


Wow,This was an EXCELLENT exciting movie with a few shocking surprises,like the fact she just like snapped dude's neck like nothing and quick,that was like one of the unexpected surprises,i pretty much figured out before she actually killed him that she was up to something,but that scene was pure brilliance and surprising to me,great movie.
