In hopes of reaching as many people on this discussion forum before it is permanently shut down, I am posting this as I have just read the notification.

This board wasn't as active as others, in fact, it was just starting to take off. The show was just being realized for the brilliance that it is and people were finally stumbling upon and posting on this forum. This is one of many boards I frequently check up on, whether after watching the latest episode or binge rewatching whole seasons and wanting to discuss or ask any questions I had. As such...

Thank you to all those that participated in the light hearted, insightful and engaging conversations, as well as sharing your love for this amazing show! I enjoyed reading all of the posts and replies on this board.

It has been a pleasure!


Why would it be permanently shut down? As long as the show is still going, there's no reason to shut down this board. What did you hear?


The notice above is by IMDB and is in regards to their entire messaging board, including the discussion boards on films and actor's pages. Essentially, people will no longer be able to comment on the website at all.

One of the sites moderators confirmed on the main message board as to why they are shutting it down. If I can find the link, I will post it here. The gist of it is, the trolls won and through the many complaints they receive, they perceive the boards as a toxic and unhelpful waste. But people aren't convince that is the "real" reason they are shutting them down.

You can read a lot on the main message board; Each section is being flooded with complaints.


Oh I didn't even see that! Bummer. Thanks for the info.



Here is another site, which is growing fast and with a similar format, titled IMDb 2, 0. I hope that helps. Cheers.


thats sad :(
