Wtf why does this

Need to be made into a movie!! There really is no imagination in this industry anymore.


it did you see the film at Sundance? It's a thoughtful, quiet and reserved commentary on gun violence.


This is an independently made film, so the industry had nothing to do with the making of this film


This story doesn't need to be told. James Holms is alive and would get off on this. The filmmaker is pathetic and deserving of the ridicule.


Does any story need to be told? Who cares what Holms gets off on? Since when do we determine which stories to tell or not based on spiting sociopaths? If he wants to get off on it, let him, I frankly couldn't acre less about what Holms gets off on or doesn't so long as he isn't hurting anyone anymore. And he'd probably be more delighted with your reaction to the movie than the movie itself.


Yes some stories need to be told. People tend to forget important moments in history. Others are cautionary tales. James Holmes doesn't deserve the satisfaction. His story is still fresh. This movie feels exploitive no matter how well made it is.
