
Based on the decor in the one picture provided for this doc alone, I can't wait for this movie.


If people are honest they don't say oh it was random and no signs were there. Someone doesn't accidentally jump off a building how can people whose wealth affords them the best therapists behave so foolishly and in denial?


First, you're OT from original post. Second, they did notice that Carter was beginning to act agitated. Before this time, he had not been living at home. Did you see the documentary? Even Carter's ex-girlfriend discussed this. And Cooper's mother did get Carter into therapy. Finally, you're pretty judgmental about someone you've never met.


Thank you, Ghetto_Defendant, there also seems to be some absurd idea in that judgmental off-topic post that only "poor" people commit suicide, or suffer from severe depression, or have any other tragedies happen to them. Such thinking is nearly child-like in its hopeless naïveté. We have many, many examples of beautiful and wealthy people who seemed to have the world at their feet (choose your cliche) and then they succumb to depression, or endure terrible family tragedies, etc. Wealth certainly does NOT make anyone immune from the normal tragic vicissitudes of life in which loved ones die or become severely depressed, disabled, etc etc. Nor does wealth or fame heal injuries from childhood -- in many cases it seems to exacerbate the suffering (think of the many celebrities who looked to fame as a substitute for a parent who rejected them -- they all say that it does not work and that realization makes the pain even worse). And of course I understand that the wealthy can visit psychiatrists and seek help that isn't necessarily available to the poor. But I also find that alarming in its naïveté. Psychiatrists and medication can help but obviously such treatments vary greatly in terms of impact, and they don't work for everyone. It is certainly not a "fix" for a terrible loss like the death of a parent at a young age or the loss of a child. Those are losses that stay with a person forever.

"Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys! I am talking about the central nervous system!"
