Post your CLUES here!

I picked up a few I am sure will add up and make sense in the end;

Before the gardener died/got knocked off he said something along the lines of;
"I wouldn't let anything DIE IN A CAGE"
- I take that as a possible clue meaning he KNEW things, perhaps a missing sibling, Cam's TWIN has been locked away in an institution or cage somewhere for the last 14 years??

The eldest politician daughter at the dads funeral said something along the lines of;
"Dad closed the doors to my bedroom and played the music box so the MONSTERS would not get me, HE PROTECTED ME"
- again that HAS to be a clue of sorts -- who were the monsters? all those that ended up murdered? or one of her siblings? the missing sibling? protected her from what? or whom? kept her safe in her own home?

Mothers will do ANYTHING to protect their children, so I believe she is just knocking them off as they get in her way - besides why stop killing (the same way) for 14 years unless you are either locked up or dead?


Just remembered another one;

After dad died, cop boy saw the house getting emptied of his belongings and commented to his wife who said something like "she always does that, its a RITUAL of hers whenever someone dies, she cant stand looking at their belongings left behind" something like that.......

So again is their a missing sibling? did he die? were they told he died? and none of them talk about it? or was he shipped off to an institution of sorts, maybe grandma has him in a cage at her place?



Personally, I think you're reading too much into these.

Before the gardener died/got knocked off he said something along the lines of;
"I wouldn't let anything DIE IN A CAGE"
That is directly related to another poster's question, about how did he kill the raccoon with a shovel while it was in a cage. He didn't. He let it out and then killed it.

Tessa said, "I was like every little kid, afraid of monsters. I thought they were in the closet, but as long as the doors were closed and the music box was playing, they couldn't get me." She goes on to describe a nightly bedtime routine, where her dad shut the closet and wound the music box. 'Protected me from the monsters' was just her way of describing a loving father.

I don't think there's any missing or dead sibling. Tessa's comment about her mother's ritual when someone dies probably refers to Tessa's grandparents, and her mother diverting grief into clearing out the departed's belongings, and preparing the house for sale. The only missing sibling was Garrett, who took off for 14 years.


I am not sure if your replying to me or the comment before yours that is now deleted?
