That Accent.....

The accent the female detective is trying for is horrendous and cringe worthy. Granted, I don't find this show that great, but every scene with her just pulls me straight out.

It's not even an existing accent. No one speaks like that. She sounds like there's something wrong with her. No one else in the show is trying an accent, so why is she?

She just sounds utterly ridiculous and foolish.


The mayor has a fake accent, too...


Yeah, the Mayor's accent isn't great, but it's not as weirdly atrocious as the detective's.

It's like she's attempting every east coast accent at once and getting them all wrong. She sounds like she has a speech impediment. One I've never heard....


It's so annoying! I have seen a lot of praise on here for the actress but personally, I find the character atrocious


Enrico is trying and it's not too bad. None of these bitches sound like they come from Boston.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.


Hate that. Hate her. You can tell this show is created by a woman, because she isn't hot.



You sound like a sexist idiot. Evey woman on a show does not have to be whatever the hell you specify as "hot",or look like a damn supermodel,anyway. Just like every man on every show isn't so-called "hot" either, but you're not whining about that, are you? What a stupid sexist comment.


The accent the female detective is trying for is horrendous and cringe worthy.

Yes. I just mentioned this in another post, before I read this one.

I'm not sure what type of accent she's trying to pull off, but she doing it rather poorly. It would be much better if she just spoke normally.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


I'm pretty sure she and the Mayoral candidate (is he already the Mayor? i don't know..) are trying for south Boston. But why only them? Even upper-crust Back Bay Boston has an accent, so why only those two?

It reminds me of Blue Bloods. Danny Reagan is the only one on the show with anything remotely like a New York accent, even though the entire premise of the show is that the family all serve "their city" and have for generations. Of course, I'm from the Deep South, so every time I go to Boston, (yay, Red Sox!!) the accents are so obvious to me, and mine is to them. It may not be as noticeable if you live there, IDK...

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.


According to the writer, the detective is the only one she wanted to have a strong accent. It's to show basically where she is on the society level(also why she seems out to get the family) The family she says would have worked hard to eliminate too strong of an accent. Now I usually love Deidre Lovejoy in most of what she does. But yea she doesn't do a good accent at all.


Thank you! Lived just outside of Boston my whole life. Never heard an accent like that. Few people sound like what people think a Boston accent is. I've often been asked where I'm from when talking to clients on the phone. When I tell them right here, they doubt me, tell me I don't 'sound' like I'm from Boston.

News flash people: we do not sound like Mayor Quimby. The Kennedy accent is genetic, not geographic (no one speaks like a Kennedy but a Kennedy). Most New England accents you hear in movies and tv are dead wrong. People in Maine don't say 'you can't get there from here' or 'ah'yuh' unless they are joking about the ridiculous stereotype.

Seriously, we had to watch Good Will Hunting with the closed caption on because we couldn't understand what some of the actors were saying.


How about your mayor then? He sounds like an extra in a Ben Affleck film.


Sorry! Totally missed your reference to the mayor. Ignore my previous comment!


Many people in Boston have an accent and that's a fact. Not every last one, but many. I come from New Orleans and will never pretend people in Louisiana do not have an accent. *I hate when IMDB does not put a reply under the correct comment*

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.
