That young boy

Needs to get himself killed, what a f?cking awful child.


Lol that would be nice but I doubt it will happen. They need to ship him off to Maine (I was very excited about that) but it looks like his wack job mother will try to interfere with sending him to that special facility.


He has an awful personality. Almost killing his little cousin as some sort of twisted experiment? Even serial killers don't do that sort of stuff to their own family.


Even serial killers don't do that sort of stuff to their own family.

Um, yes they kind of do. I take it you've never watched 'Criminal Minds'. Jack, the little boy, is a textbook example of a budding serial killer. At the very least he is a sociopath. He cannot feel empathy.

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill


Um, Criminal Minds is a television show. Everything on that show is fiction. And before you say it's based on true cases, keep in mind that's not the case with every single episode.


Yes, I realize that the stories on CM are not documentaries. But there are documented cases in peer-reviewed literature that do demonstrate certain characteristics of sociopath children. While CM is fictionalized for dramatic purposes, the criteria they use in their behavioral analysis is real, as is the BAU, an actual unit in the FBI.

No, the real BAU agents don't have a jet and don't fly out to every case, they are more consultants for local law enforcement. But having a fictionalized TV show in existence does not negate the science behind it.

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill
